Issue #92 | Shadow Self | Mar/Apr 2021

As we grow, we are taught right and wrong; good and evil. We begin to sort and divide ourselves, allowing the “acceptable” to shine while the “unacceptable” fall into the shadows. This divide creates the unconscious half of our personality, known as the Shadow Self.

This self involves repressed ideas, wildness, instincts, impulses, chaos, weaknesses, desires, perversions, and fears. 

The Shadow Self is a vital source of imagination and creative energy. In contrast, the Shadow Self‘s denial can lead to troublesome physical, emotional, and psychological states.

With this theme, Gothesque is welcoming you towards the shadows to work with the part of yourself that rarely sees the light of day. It is time to discover your Shadow Self!

The Dissociated Self - Self Portraits by Fawn Rose - @myfawn_rose - Created in Charlotte, North Carolina

Self Portraits by Fawn Rose
Created in Charlotte, North Carolina

Alex Martin, Arsenic Nic, Bryan Gunsell, Bryn Blaiddymor, Cagora, Chantell Reid, Danielle Rex, Dark Rose photography | Suzanna Guetebier, Eden, Emily Nguyen, Fawn Rose, Freda Hart Portraiture, House of Winter, Jessica Dalton, Jessie Taylor, Jesus Cheno, Lisa McMahon of Honey and Ether Photography, Liss Franky, Mark Stevens, Patti Paynter, Ravenmark Photography, River Hendricks of Ghost River Art, Rosie Rockabilly, Savanah Savanah, Shana Feeley, Shannon Kramp, StarBlueCM, SweetV, Vivi

Shadow Self contains works created by Alex Martin, Arsenic Nic, Bryan Gunsell, Bryn Blaiddymor, Cagora, Chantell Reid, Danielle Rex, Dark Rose photography | Suzanna Guetebier, Eden, Emily Nguyen, Fawn Rose, Freda Hart Portraiture, House of Winter, Jessica Dalton, Jessie Taylor, Jesus Cheno, Lisa McMahon of Honey and Ether Photography, Liss Franky, Mark Stevens, Patti Paynter, Ravenmark Photography, River Hendricks of Ghost River Art, Rosie Rockabilly, Savanah Savanah, Shana Feeley, Shannon Kramp, StarBlueCM, SweetV, Vivi. Thank you to all that took the time and cared to create for this issue!

Embracing the Inner Dark - Featuring Model Eden - Photographed by Chantell Reid - @chantellreidphotography - Created in Pendleton, Oregon

Back Cover:
Featuring Model Eden
Photographed by Chantell Reid
Created in Pendleton, Oregon

This volume, in print, is 82 perfect-bound pages.

A piece of me died with you. Featuring Model Lauren Hales Photographed by Tamara Jensen - Dachshing Photography Make-up by Kasey Davis Make-up Artist Created in Emerald, Australia

A piece of me died with you.

For Better and Worse, Credits: Model and MUA : Lady beverly, Photography and styling : Studio Cataclysm – Cathy Lacointe @studio_cataclysm, Created in Thil-Manneville, France

For Better and Worse | Web Feature