2021 is here, and after a year of a pandemic, anything is possible. Watch out for the Daywalkers! They are here!
This issue is releasing in two volumes. Make sure to check both dangerous volumes out!
Featuring Model Hex Hypoxia
Photographed by Cassandra Panek
Twitter: @gaypanek
Daywalker Vol.1 contains works created by A Saunders Costumes, Alice + Olivia for Payless, Alivila Fashion, Asa Queen, Brent Gilani, Capezio, Cassandra Panek, Cherry Rae, Corset Story, Cynthia Wright, Dayna Hazlett of DaynaFX, Destinee Hunter, Ellie Shoes, Emma Morlino, Express, Fizzywood, H&M, Haley Gow, Hanna Wimmer / Lilith’s Eye, Hex Hypoxia, Hildie & Jo, Jasmine Horne, Journee Collection, Kat McCabe Photography, Kendra Colleen Photography, Kristýna Herková, LD Photography, Laura Dark Photography, Legion Photography, Legionz Rekreationz Collaboration, Liz Gilani, Luther of Ironwood Wolves, Martha Rotten, Max Studio, Ravenmark Photography, Romana Janečková, S.J. Holloway, Sarah Fritz, Shana Feeley, Shannon Kramp, ShaperX, SpaceWolf, Stephanie Gamba of SMPhotos LLC, Tami Martel, Victoria Kelly, Wicked Lady Cosplay. Thank you to all that took the time and cared to create this breathtaking issue!
Back Cover:
Featuring Model Wicked Lady Cosplay
Photographed by Ravenmark Photography
This volume, in print, is 60 perfect-bound pages.